Film – Dobre politike za dobro društvo
Godinu dana smo se bavili pitanjem da li u sistemu socijalne zaštite postoje programi usmereni na mlade koji su pod povećanim rizikom u vezi sa psihoaktivnim supstancama, da li su dostupni, pristupačni i prilagođeni ovim mladima, kao i kako možemo da proširimo i unapredimo paletu postojećih programa i usluga – kroz reformu javnih politika, kroz […]
Without Shift: Harm Reduction After Global Fund in Serbia
As of 3 years ago, Serbia stopped being eligible for funding from the Global Fund, which resulted in the closure of harm reduction programs around the country. Our movie gives you a glimpse of the desperate situation faced by injecting drug users in Serbia, and also explores the consequences of the closure of needle exchange […]