European Drug Policy Initiative

A Year Long Battle for Transparent Policy Making
January 13, 2018
Amendments of the Law on Psychoactive and Controlled Substances in Serbia. Read about the controversial and not-transparent process of the adoption of the amendments, and the

Srbija samo prividno usklađuje zakone o drogama u skladu sa EU preporukama
December 4, 2012
If you want to read the English version of the article please see drugreporter website: i zakoni koji se odnose na posedovanje i upotrebu psihoaktivnih

U ime Oca… (Tretman korisnika droga u verskim zajednicama)
October 29, 2012
If you want to read the English version of the article please see drugreporter website: Uprkos neprijateljskim stavovima Srpske Pravoslavne Crkve (SPC) prema