Preporuke za web outreach i protokol: Rad sa ljudima koji koriste droge sa fokusom na upotrebu NPS i stimulanasa i rad sa marginalizovanim zajednicama na Zapadnom Balkanu

Potreba za ovim dokumentom potekla je od činjenice da NVO Re Generacija sprovodi web outreach aktivnost među izbeglicama koje pristižu u Republiku Srbiju kao rezultat humanitarne krize u Ukrajini u okviru projekta ’’Hitna podrška pružanju HIV i usluga smanjenja štete među ključnim populacijama u Ukrajini i izbeglicama u odabranim susednim državama’’. U okviru projekta NVO […]
Web Outreach Consultation Services/Консультационные услуги онлайн равный равному/Консультаційні послуги онлайн рівний рівному

Web Outreach Consultation Services Within the project ’’Emergency support for the provision of HIV and harm reduction services among key populations in Ukraine and refugees in selected neighbouring countries’’, funded by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), NGO ReGeneration is providing web outreach services to displaced Ukrainian and Russian citizens in the […]
Needs assessment/Оценка потребностей/Оцінка потреб

Needs assessment NGO Re Generation has been chosen to implement the research study ‘’The needs assessment among Ukrainian refugees and Russian migrants in the Republic of Serbia on access to services and new psychoactive substances/stimulant use’’ funded by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). This research study aims to estimate the level […]